X Rules
SHACL-X allows to define new rules types that are X-based.
Rule Type IRI | Key Property | Other Properties |
sh:JSRule |
sh:jsFunctionName |
sh:jsLibrary |
sh:PyRule |
sh:pyFunctionName |
sh:pyLibrary |
An Example of an X rule
The following example illustrates the use of a X rule to compute the area of a rectangle, by multiplying width and height.
Example data graph
a ex:Rectangle ;
ex:width 7 ;
ex:height 8 .
Example shapes graph
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Rectangle ;
sh:rule [
a sh:JSRule ;
sh:jsFunctionName "computeArea" ;
sh:jsLibrary [ sh:jsLibraryURL "http://example.org/js/rectangle.js"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
] .
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Rectangle ;
sh:rule [
a sh:PyRule ;
sh:pyFunctionName "compute_area" ;
sh:pyLibrary [ sh:pyLibraryURL "http://example.org/py/rectangle.py"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
] .
Example X rule
let NS = "http://datashapes.org/js/tests/rules/rectangle.test#";
function computeArea($this) {
let width = getProperty($this, "width");
let height = getProperty($this, "height");
let area = TermFactory.literal(width.getLex() * height.getLex(), width.getDatatype());
let areaProperty = TermFactory.namedNode(NS + "area");
return [ [$this, areaProperty, area] ];
function getProperty($this, name) {
let it = $data.find($this, TermFactory.namedNode(NS + name), null);
let result = it.next().getObject();
return result;
ns = "http://datashapes.org/py/tests/rules/rectangle.test#"
def compute_area(_this):
width = get_property(_this, "width")
height = get_property(_this, "height")
area = py_tf.literal(int(width.getLex()) * int(height.getLex()), width.getDatatype())
area_property = py_tf.namedNode(ns + "area")
return [ [_this, area_property, area] ]
def get_property(_this, name):
it = _data.find(_this, py_tf.namedNode(ns + name), None)
result = it.next().getObject()
return result
Example inferred triples
ex:ExampleRectangle ex:area 56 .