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Representing X in RDF

The JavaScript-based extension mechanism for SHACL (SHACL-JS) defines some RDF terms that can be used to represent JavaScript code and libraries as part of the shapes graph. SHACL-X extends that syntax by adding new terms for the new supported languages.

The extended vocabulary includes the classes sh:XExecutable, where X = JS | Py (e.g. sh:PyExecutable). SHACL instances of this class are called X executables.


Every X executable must have exactly one value for the property sh:xFunctionName. The value is a literal with datatype xsd:string.

x Library

Every X executable must have at least one value for the property sh:xLibrary. The values of the property are IRIs or blank nodes. In both cases, they must be a well formed SHACL instance of the class sh:XLibrary.

X Library

The class sh:XLibrary is used to declare X libraries. An X library is a pointer to zero or more X files that are executed before the evaluation of an X executable. Libraries depdenency is allowed, by declaring further sh:xLibrary triples. The values of the property sh:xLibraryURL are literals with datatype xsd:anyURI.