X-based Constraints
SHACL-X supports the definition of constraints based on X.
An Example of a X-based Constraint
Example data graph
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/ns#> .
ex:ValidCountry a ex:Country ;
ex:germanLabel "Spanien"@de .
ex:InvalidCountry a ex:Country ;
ex:germanLabel "Spain"@en .
Example shapes graph
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Country ;
sh:js [
a sh:JSConstraint ;
sh:message "Values are literals with German language tag." ;
sh:jsLibrary [ sh:jsLibraryURL "http://example.org/js/germanLabel.js" ] ;
sh:jsFunctionName "validateGermanLabel" ;
] .
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Country ;
sh:py [
a sh:PyConstraint ;
sh:message "Values are literals with German language tag." ;
sh:pyLibrary [ sh:pyLibraryURL "http://example.org/py/german_label.py" ] ;
sh:pyFunctionName "validate_german_label" ;
] .
Example X function
function validateGermanLabel($this) {
let results = [];
let p = TermFactory.namedNode("http://example.org/ns#germanLabel");
let s = $data.find($this, p, null);
for (let t = s.next(); t; t = s.next()) {
let object = t.getObject();
if (!object.isLiteral() || !object.getLanguage().startsWith("de")) {
value: object
return results;
def validate_german_label(this):
results = []
p = py_tf.namedNode("http://example.org/ns#germanLabel")
s = _data.find(this, p, None)
while (t := s.next()) != None:
object = t.getObject()
if not object.isLiteral() or not object.getLanguage().startswith("de"):
"value": object
return results
Example validation results
[ a sh:ValidationReport ;
sh:conforms false ;
sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ;
sh:focusNode ex:InvalidCountry ;
sh:resultMessage "Values are literals with German language tag." ;
sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
sh:sourceConstraint [] ;
sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:JSConstraintComponent ;
sh:sourceShape ex:LanguageExampleShape ;
sh:value "Spain"@en
] .
[ a sh:ValidationReport ;
sh:conforms false ;
sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ;
sh:focusNode ex:InvalidCountry ;
sh:resultMessage "Values are literals with German language tag." ;
sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
sh:sourceConstraint [] ;
sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:PyConstraintComponent ;
sh:sourceShape ex:LanguageExampleShape ;
sh:value "Spain"@en
] .
Constraint Components
An Example of a X-based Constraint Component
Example data graph
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/ns#> .
ex:ValidCountry a ex:Country ;
ex:name "Italy" .
ex:InvalidCountry a ex:Country ;
ex:name "Switzerland" .
Example shapes graph
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass ex:Country ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:name ;
ex:maxLength 5 ;
] .
a sh:ConstraintComponent ;
sh:parameter [
sh:path ex:maxLength ;
sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
] ;
sh:validator ex:hasMaxLength .
a sh:JSValidator ;
sh:message "Value has more than {$maxLength} characters" ;
sh:jsLibrary [ sh:jsLibraryURL "http://example.org/js/hasMaxLength.js"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
sh:jsFunctionName "hasMaxLength" ;
rdfs:comment """
Note that $value and $maxLength are RDF nodes expressed in JavaScript Objects.
Their string value is accessed via the .getLex() and .getUri() methods.
The function returns true if no violation has been found.
""" .
a sh:PyValidator ;
sh:message "Value has more than {$maxLength} characters" ;
sh:pyLibrary [ sh:pyLibraryURL "http://example.org/js/has_max_length.py"^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
sh:pyFunctionName "has_max_length" ;
rdfs:comment """
Note that _value and _maxLength are RDF nodes expressed in Python Objects.
Their string value is accessed via the .getLex() and .getUri() attributes.
The function returns true if no violation has been found.
""" .
Example X function
function hasMaxLength($value, $maxLength) {
if ($value.isLiteral()) {
return $value.getLex().length <= $maxLength.getLex();
} else if ($value.isURI()) {
return $value.getUri().length <= $maxLength.getLex();
} else { // Blank node
return false;
def has_max_length(_value, _maxLength):
if _value.isLiteral():
return len(_value.getLex()) <= int(_maxLength.getLex())
elif _value.isURI():
return len(_value.getUri()) <= int(_maxLength.getLex())
return False
Example validation results
[ a sh:ValidationReport ;
sh:conforms false ;
sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ;
sh:focusNode ex:InvalidCountry ;
sh:resultMessage "Value has more than 5 characters" ;
sh:resultPath ex:name ;
sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
sh:sourceConstraintComponent ex:MaxLengthConstraintComponent ;
sh:sourceShape [] ;
sh:value "Switzerland"
] .